We have tried to answer the most frequently asked questions of our users. In case you cannot find the answer to your question, our sales representatives will be happy to answer you.


Using the chargers

Yes, your vehicle is compatible with Stekerr chargers. Namely, all our AC chargers come with a Type 2 socket or Type 2 cable, standardized charging connectors in Europe. Our DC chargers come with all standard connectors for fast charging (CCS2 and CHAdeMO), as well as a Type 2 connector for AC charging.

Using Stekerr chargers is very simple. If the charging station has an integrated cable – it is enough to plug it into the car. In case the charging station does not have an integrated cable, it is necessary to use your own. Depending on the settings of the owner and the settings you choose yourself as the owner, charging stations may require authorization with an RFID card or a specific charging application to start charging.

It is impossible to give a precise answer because the charging speed depends on various factors, among which are the capacity, heating and status of the battery itself. On average, charging a plug-in hybrid vehicle at an AC charger takes 1.5 hours, and an average fully electric car takes between 5 and 6 hours for a 100% charged battery. Our DC charger charges your battery to 100% between 20 minutes and 1.5 hours.


Ownership and management

Charging your vehicle will not overload your network. Namely, Stekerr chargers can be statically limited to the desired output power, and network overload can be completely avoided with intelligent solutions such as dynamic power management.

Stekerr smart charging stations come with OCPP 1.6 communication protocol and can be connected to a central management system through which the charging service can be charged. Also, our DC charger can come equipped with a POS device through which payment is made in the simplest way.

Some of the advantages of using Stekerr chargers are simpler, faster and safer charging.

The advantages of Stekerr chargers for the owner of the are the simplicity of the service that ensures greater utilization of the chargers itself, the possibility of recording and charging all chargings, opening a new stream of income, reducing the CO₂ footprint and saving on total costs for the vehicle fleet.

In short, you should know what type of charger you need, and you should also have defined installation goals (home charger, company charger or public charging station) and the number of chargers you need. If you are not sure, our experienced sales representatives will help you find the best solution. Also, before installing the charging station, we check all installations, as well as the amount of leased power at the location. This is exactly how we arrive at the optimal solution for your needs.

The type of charger is chosen based on the goals you want to achieve with the installation of the charging station. Some of the goals can be charging a private vehicle, a fleet of vehicles in a company or, for example, charging for charging in public areas. You can reach the optimal solution through a conversation with our experienced sales representatives, and we definitely recommend filling out the web configurator.

The charging station can only be installed by an authorized electrician, observing all the rules of the profession and adhering to all the requirements of our test report. If you do not have the option of hiring an electrician, safe installation and commissioning can be done by Stekerr or one of our partners.

You can set Stekerr chargers to the mode of operation that suits you best. If you decide on a mode of operation that requires authorization via an RFID card and/or authorization via a charging application, no one without a suitable RFID card can start charging.

The charging vehicle locks the connector so it cannot be turned off without re-authorization.

Već danas se priključite električnoj budućnosti!

Cjeloviti sustavi električne mobilnosti za nas nisu budućnost, već sadašnjost.

Ja sam poslovni korisnik i tražim punionicu za tvrtku

Uređaji i sustavi koji će energizirati vaše poslovanje i omogućiti vam stvaranje novih vrijednosti i prihoda.

Ja sam privatni korisnik i tražim vlastitu punionicu

Kompaktni, jednostavni za korištenje i estetski zapanjujući. Naši uređaji utjelovljuju viziju dostupne mobilnosti.

Nisam siguran koja je punionica za mene i trebam savjet

Naš tim rado će vas savjetovati u svim fazama izgradnje stanice za punjenje električnih vozila, a inicijalnu preporuku možete dobiti i kroz naš digitalni upitnik

Join the electric future today!

Complete electric mobility systems are not the future for us, but the present.

I am a business user and I am looking for a charging station for my company.

Devices and systems that will energize your business and enable you to create new values and income.

I am a private user and I am looking for my own charger.

Compact, easy to use and aesthetically stunning. Our devices embody the vision of accessible mobility.

I'm not sure which charger is right for me, and I need advice.

Our team will be happy to advise you in all phases of the construction of an electric vehicle charging station, and you can get an initial recommendation through our digital questionnaire

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