For private and business users

Our chargers

The devices we offer embody our vision of accessible mobility and achieve the goals of end users with their technical features.

Stekerr F60/90/120

Modular power technology for charging vehicles with larger batteries, reliability and robust design are the key features of the first Croatian DC charger station.

Stekerr P2

TThe excellence of the design of the electric vehicle charging station integrated into the light pole has been recognized internationally. iF Design Award 2023 winner.

Stekerr P1

Created to improve public, business, and private space. Due to its ease of maintenance and modern lines, the P1 charger meets all market requirements.

Stekerr W3

A new generation of charging station that provides the possibility of unique use of the charging station. Download the mobile application and connect additional device to the Schuko.

Stekerr W1

The adjustable charging station, which comes in basic and advanced versions, can be adapted to all installation requirements due to its effective design.

Not sure which device is right for you? Find out through our configurator!

Our team will be happy to advise you in all phases of the construction of an electric vehicle charging station, and you can get an initial recommendation through our digital questionnaire.

Već danas se priključite električnoj budućnosti!

Cjeloviti sustavi električne mobilnosti za nas nisu budućnost, već sadašnjost.

Ja sam poslovni korisnik i tražim punionicu za tvrtku

Uređaji i sustavi koji će energizirati vaše poslovanje i omogućiti vam stvaranje novih vrijednosti i prihoda.

Ja sam privatni korisnik i tražim vlastitu punionicu

Kompaktni, jednostavni za korištenje i estetski zapanjujući. Naši uređaji utjelovljuju viziju dostupne mobilnosti.

Nisam siguran koja je punionica za mene i trebam savjet

Naš tim rado će vas savjetovati u svim fazama izgradnje stanice za punjenje električnih vozila, a inicijalnu preporuku možete dobiti i kroz naš digitalni upitnik

Join the electric future today!

Complete electric mobility systems are not the future for us, but the present.

I am a business user and I am looking for a charging station for my company.

Devices and systems that will energize your business and enable you to create new values and income.

I am a private user and I am looking for my own charger.

Compact, easy to use and aesthetically stunning. Our devices embody the vision of accessible mobility.

I'm not sure which charger is right for me, and I need advice.

Our team will be happy to advise you in all phases of the construction of an electric vehicle charging station, and you can get an initial recommendation through our digital questionnaire

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